
The Real Issues with Virtual Currency: April 22, 2014

Join members of Pillsbury’s leading Virtual Currency practice, partners, James Gatto, and Deborah Thoren-Peden, to understand and analyze some of the key legal and business issues related to Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. This webinar will highlight the history of Bitcoin and other digital currencies and associated unique business models. They will also address the latest developments in digital currency regulation and enforcement.

Topics will include:

  • Background on Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies and the use of emerging, virtual currency-based business models
  • Overview of the virtual currency legal issues (federal, state, international)
  • Ramifications of recent IRS ruling
  • Update on FINCEN Guidelines
  • Recent enforcements and regulatory actions





Tuesday, April 22, 2014
12:00 pm PT
3:00 pm ET


RSVP by April 21
Please register for this complimentary presentation to receive log-in/dial-in information.

James G. Gatto, Partner, Social Media, Entertainment & Technology – Pillsbury
Deborah S. Thoren-Peden, Corporate & Securities, Pillsbury