
Articles Posted by Monica Parra


No Brain, No Gain: U.S. Patent Inventors Must Be Human

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has agreed with the U.S. Patent Trademark Office (PTO) in holding that artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be considered an “inventor” for purposes of obtaining patents. Computer scientist Stephen Thaler argued that his AI system “DABUS”1 (which he describes as a collection…


California Sheds Light on Consumer Privacy Dark Patterns

On March 15, amendments to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) banned companies from using “dark patterns” that confuse or delay consumers trying to opt out of the sale of their personal information. Online businesses that sell the personal information of consumers must exhibit a “Do Not Sell My Personal…


Social Distancing, Social Media and Section 230: DOJ Calls On Internet Companies to Provide Safer Online Communities

In this time of social distancing, working from home and school closures, people and businesses are relying on the internet more than ever to engage with friends, family, clients, consumers and the public at large. Social media and content-sharing websites are providing individual communities and the entire nation with 24/7…


When Do the Perils of Programmatic Advertising Undermine Its Value?

#FakeNews is hurting more than political campaigns. Companies’ hard-earned reputations may be on the line when their ads pop up next to fake news stories and offensive YouTube videos. Last year, major brands found their ads appearing in videos promoting extremist views and hate speech. JPMorgan Chase learned that it…